

Kamala Harris(a journey of a woman from Asia Towards American Vice presidency)

 Kamala Harris

    "While I may be the first woman in this office, I won't be the last because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is the country of possibilities"

We are always boosted by others with narrations and lines like:
                    "limitation live only in our minds" and 
                 "when nothing is sure, everything is possible"
 But they never influenced us much than a living example of these phrases that make us believe that; YES, in a world full of travails it's still viable to achieve your objective. 
Kamala Harris one of the living examples that made us deem that behind every triumph there lies struggle and strong determination.

The first Asian American to serve the senate as a Democrat was Kamala Harris and also she is the third woman to become the vice president of America but the first among black to achieve the honor.

Kamala Family Background:
She was born in Oakland, California in an immigrant family, her mother was an Indian Asian, and her father from Jamaica Africa. She is raised by her single Indian mother and also she admires most of the Indian cultures on her visits to India with her mother at an early age.

Kamala Harris Education:
She completed her BA degree from Howard University which is ranked among the top producer of African American Undergraduates.

Kamala political interests enroot when she attended the law school of California, Hastings College of Law through its legal Education Opportunity Program(LEOP).
Her revolutionary mind and fortitude made her become attorney General of San Francisco from 2004-2011. After that, she served the state of California as attorney general from 2011-2017.
Now in 2020, she became the first black woman to brace the position of vice president of the USA. 
It was not easy for her as she faced many backlashes, biasness and bigotry at first as a black and as an Asian American but her perception and brilliance led her way to become vice president of the USA as a democrat.

Kamala is a strong campaigner for equal rights for all citizens of her nation, she strongly condemned color differences, gender inequality, race difference, and probably religious discrimination. 
She raised voices on many platforms for equal rights and remain supportive towards black of her nation. She proved that without facing difficulties it's impossible to achieve what you want.
Kamala Harris Tweets:

According to her words:



Also read:

Kamala Harris famous tweets

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