Corona pandemic the most dreadful and disastrous pandemic in world records, killing almost more than 3,00,000 peoples and infecting 6980283 worldwide. One thing is clear now in this pandemic that it's impossible for us to be safe or remain unaffected, sooner or later we all will be infected once in our life because we haven't found any vaccine yet and it will take a long time for a vaccine to come according to an estimate. we can surely slow this pandemic from spreading across countries and villages by social distancing but we cannot stop this all and have to adapt ourselves to this situation life style after coronavirus. As it is unknowingly anywhere so we are left with only two options:


first that we should be conscious about precautionary measures by wearing masks because it will help us to intake or inhale this virus in less amount if countered with so, that we can be less prone to this virus. wearing a mask should be made mandatory by the government for its citizens in public places.


secondly, we should have a good immune system so that it can combat the disease before getting autoimmune against its own body functions. So, to make our immune system stronger and better combatant we have to start  training it for which we have to consider certain factors like:


we have to complete 7-8 hours of sleep regularly, which means to make a schedule of sleep the same day after day, without it our internal body system will never synchronize with all the activities going inside us and thus nor our immune system will be functioning properly and fully.

  • DIET:
  1.  Fruits and juices should be an essential part of our daily meal because they help us the most in generating our immunity.
  2. In daily intake start using food like mutton, beef, fish, and other meat products that are rich of protein contents, and this protein intake will ultimately boost up your immunity.

        3. Increase garlic quantity in your meal preparation because it has several uses in the body circulatory system and heart diseases, you can also use mash garlic with yogurt with every meal.
        4. Increase the intake of lemon water, as it boosts your immune system a lot and also helps in cleaning your liver.

          5. Avoid using sugar a lot, it's better to use honey instead of it.
         6.  Try to use olive oil for your meal preparation instead of other cooking oils.
         7. Start using dry fruits on a regular basis even in small quantity they are very effective on our health.
         8. Exercise and walk should be a part of our daily routine because it keeps us active physically and internally.
         9. Try to occupy your self with positive and creative activities like reading a book, painting, sketching, singing, gardening, etc.

           10. Lastly, avoid getting updates about the death toll due to COVID 19 and never let this news make you more vulnerable mentally. Also spare some time for your mental health activities which make you happy and achieve your inner peace like yoga, praying, etc.