covid 19 symptoms,coronavirus mode of infection,
Coronavirus, a specie of Coronaviridae family causing severe acute respiratory syndrome for which it is known as SARS COV-2 or COVID 19. It is RNA enveloped virus that binds to the ACE-2 receptor in humans.

 After it’s widespread in many countries of the world it is called a pandemic by WHO director. How it affects a human body is still not well known, but the main organ which is prone to it is the human lungs as it causes respiratory syndromes.
After getting inside the human body through nasal opening our mouth it gets into your throat infecting the linings of throat and airways, and in the end, it reaches the alveoli of lungs (which are the major site of oxygen exchange in our body and the basic units of lungs). Here in the alveoli, the replication process starts, damaging most of the cells inside alveoli.

At this time the human immune system starts its working to combat this disease by producing many antibodies against it but as it is a novel one so difficulty arises for most of the immune system to recognize it and produce specific immunity against it, so if your immune system is strong enough to fight against it you will win this war but if your immune system gets down, coronavirus will take over your whole body making new Covid 19 virus inside your lungs.

After a lot of replication, it causes inflammation inside your lungs which is basically called pneumonia. This inflammation is due to overreacting your immune system to this virus producing a wide range of chemicals that cause inflammation. In pneumonia, your lungs alveoli fill up with water hampering your breathing due to which you will feel shortness of breath.

This Acute respiratory syndrome caused by widespread inflammation stops the body from getting enough oxygen and also your kidney will stop filtering your blood causing blood volume thinning. Damages to intestine lining are also shown by this disease which disturbs your digestion process. At this stage, your blood pressure also falls down causing your heart to push very low blood through your body and your body organs will not get enough blood due to which weakness and fatigue are mostly observed. If this stage remains for a long it will ultimately lead you to death.